About Damien

Damien Borges is a 27 year old young filmmaker , Music Enthusiastic and fashion lover. He Graduated From South Brooklyn Community High School at age 19. Throughout his time in that building he molded himself to speak up for himself and others who haven’t found that ability. At such a young age He Assisted his community by co-founding a student government body Named YES ( Young Enthusiastic Students) and was unanimously Chosen to Be This Group’s Leader. He Turned down the offer to learn from his Well Dressed Partner and become more of a Supportive Vice President. At The Event To Showcase his group’s representation in Trinity Church located in Lower Manhattan he displayed his power to uplift the group.

At Age 26 he found his love for film and photography. In The Summer of 2021 he shot his first short through Hook Arts Media. He has made shorts and conceptualized the majority of his projects. Barry Be Ballin is the journeyman of a basketball and its escape to the real world with its individual agenda Which Doesn’t Go As Planned. Confessions of Misunderstood Children is What The Audience Needs to hear more of………………………… Honesty No Holds Bar. And as an In-Experienced individual in an Industry we were birth Into UnConsciously it’s sometimes hard to express how hard it is to see the different color, pictures and simply an Energy that constantly flows through oneself. The Constant Hunger of Ownership is What Makes This Young Artist Thrive In A Dauntless City And Ralph Miguel Productions Is His First Step Into Those Dreams.